Metal shelf with ceramic brackets, variable dimensions, 2024
Side bedroom table/shelf hybrid prototype, extruded glazed stoneware, aluminium, variable dimensions, 2024
Hold Me je keramický nástenný policový systém. Nosné prvky – konzoly sú tvorené extrudovaním z hliny ručným lisom prostredníctvom šablóny. Projektom sa snažím posunúť hranice tejto klasickej keramickej technológie. Experimentujem s tvarmi, ale aj možnosťami nástenného osadenia konzol. Úžitková plocha police je vyrobená z kovu, alebo zo skla a je samostatne vkladaná do keramických výliskov. Ideovo je tento projekt pre mňa o spojeniach a kontrastoch, o vzájomnej pomoci ale aj o krehkosti vzťahov – tak ako je kontrastné spojenie keramického nosného prvku s kovovou policou. Hold Me symbolicky ale aj doslovne tematizuje napätie a hranice (ú)nosnosti.
Hold Me is a ceramic wall shelf system. The supporting elements – brackets are made by extruding clay with a hand press. With this project, I am trying to push the boundaries of this classic ceramic technology – I am experimenting with shapes, but also with the wall attachment possibilities. The utility surface of the shelf is made of metal or glass and is separately inserted into ceramic moldings. For me, in a symbolic way this project is about connections and contrasts, but also about the fragility of relationships – just like the contrasting connection of a ceramic supporting element with a metal shelf. Hold Me thematizes tension and the limits of carrying capacity.
Supported from public sources – Fond na podporu umenia
Photo Jakub Gulyás