Primárnym médiom mojej výtvarnej tvorby je hlina. Hlina ma fascinuje a nabáda k experimentu, neustále skúmam keramické materiály, ale aj osobné možnosti a hranice – formálne, aj ideovo. Moja keramická prax aktuálne funguje v troch paralelných líniách – dizajnérskej, voľnej a sčasti aj teoretickej. V dizajnérskej praxi uplatňujem širokú škálu tradičných keramických technológií (odlievanie, točenie, extrudovanie), ale aj nových digitálnych postupov (CNC frézovanie, 3d tlač) pre navrhovanie a aj samotnú malosériovú produkciu, ktorú zabezpečuje prevažne náš bratislavský ateliér (kolaborácia pod značkou si.li.od r.2012). Vo voľnej tvorbe sa sústredím hlavne na naratív vyjadrený zväčša figurálnou plastikou. Ručné, voľné tvarovanie materiálu mi umožňuje bezprostredne a slobodne vyjadriť moje vnútorné prežívanie, ktoré premenou do keramiky amplifikujem a morfujem. Hlinu tvarujem, hľadám podobu môjho vnútorného priestoru, do ktorého ju vteľujem, a tento proces zároveň pretvára mňa. Moje plastiky sú modelované „low tech” prístupom, prioritné je pre mňa živelné vyjadrenie príbehu ktoré vedome smeruje k „estetike škaredosti”.

Since 2012 I cooperate with Linda Viková – together we found si.li. This label is focused on designing and production of house ware. I work for Slovak Design Museum as a external curator of a Collection of Ceramics. I’m part of the artistic’s platforms Michelangelo Foundation


Solo Shows

Hot dreams, with Marína Pavlovičová, Statua Gallery, Bratislava


In good Company, with Linda Viková, P.M.Bohúň Gallery, Liptovský Mikuláš


Chapter 1 and 2, Rosenfeld Palace, Žilina

Chapter 1, HotDock Gallery, Bratislava


si.li. time for fairy tales, with Linda Viková Nova Gallery, Bratislava

Little Black Land, Freshmen’s Gallery, Bratislava

Black Land, Da Wang Culture Highland, Shenzhen


Golden Base, Nova Gallery, Bratislava

I love you, Photoport Gallery, Bratislava


Intro, with Monika Brzá, Design Studio ÚĽUV, Bratislava


Collection of Bratislava Design Week Awards 2017 – for Anachronik Collection

Main prize of  Bratislava Design Week Awards 2017 – – for Anachronik Collection


Selected Group Shows

Bratislava Design Week, curatorial part, Bratislava City Gallery


Code Ceramics, Galeria Dizajn BWA, Wroclaw

In Silence, Budatín Castle, Žilina


Designblok, Arthouse – Lapidarium, Prague

Quarzsprung, Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverien, Munich


European Ceramic Context, Bornholm Art Museum, Bornholm

Ceramic and its Dimensions, UPM, Prague

Out of the circle, The Schaubmar – Slovak National Gallery Pezinok


Bratislava Design Week 2017

Křehký, Castle Mikulov


More is more, Rona Gallery, Lednické Rovne

Inspirations and Interpretations, Ludovit Fulla Gallery, Ružomberok


Vase, Gallery of Slovak Institute Prague


Hot & Cold, Contemporary Drinking Glass and Porcelain from Central Europe at the Azerbaijan National Museum of Art, Baku

Dream Catcher Project (Sculptural edition), Black Square Gallery, Miami


The Figure – Sculpture in Ceramics, The Ceramics Talent Award, Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Nemecko

Blood, Slovak National Gallery, Esterházy Palace, Bratislava


Servus from Bratislava, Walking Chair Gallery, Vienna

si.li.cabinet at Designweekend Bratislava, with Linda Viková


XXIst International Biennale of Contemporary Ceramics, Vallauris

Home Sweet Potato, Medium Gallery, Bratislava


European Prize for Applied Arts, Mons


Represented in the collections:

Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava

Slovak Design Museum, Bratislava

The Centre for Folk Art Production, Bratislava

Museum of Decorative Arts,  Prague

The Magnelli Musuem, Vallauris


Curatorial activities:

2 x Polonský, ceramic art of brothers Marián and Ivan Polonský, Design Gallery Satelit, Bratislava


From Dusk till Down, solo show of Linda Viková, Nova Gallery, Bratislava


100 Years of Design /1918 -2018, Slovak Design Museum, Bratislava


Farebná šeď/Buntes Grau exhibition, Slovak Design Museum – Hurbanove kasárne, Bratislava


Škola základ života II exhibition, Gallery Satelit – Slovak Design Center, Bratislava

since 2014

External curator for Ceramics and Porcelain Collection of Slovak Design Museum


Other activities:


Micro residency at Banska Stanica Contemporary


Artist in residence at Da Wang Culture Highland, Shenzhen, China


co-founder of  the si.li. label, with Linda Viková

supported by ARTSERVIS Foundation, scholarship for young emerging artists from Slovakia



2015 – 2018 Doctoral Degree, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Studio of Ceramics, Slovakia

2011 internship, studio of Barnaby Barford, London, Great Britain

2008 – 2010 Master’s Degree, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Studio of Ceramics, Slovakia

2007 study residence, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Studio of Sculpture 1, Czech Republic

2006 study residence, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Studio of Printmaking, Greece

2004 – 2008 Bachelor’s Degree, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Studio of Ceramics, Slovakia

2000 – 2004 School of Applied Arts of Josef Vydra, Bratislava, Department of Ceramics


Portrait photo by Adam Šakový



+421 (0)948 042 161


Studio and showroom address:

Šoltésovej 13, 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia





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